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Scribbles that speak

Author of Flight to Eternal Happiness

Welcome to Scribbles that speak, my very own passion project. Here, I pen my thoughts in the form poetry, short stories and free style writing with a hope to bring in more clarity.

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Earth Day

A friend in disguise, enters your life Serving multitude of purpose A fast intruder, filling your life Every corner, with every color...

Entrance Examinations

Board exams once again postponed in India. It is definitely hard for parents and students to accept this. My own niece is preparing for...

Marina Beach!

This has been the longest stretch that I have not visited Chennai and I am missing home dearly. Stay Safe Chennai. Hope normalcy restores...


I disguised as a baby Asked who am I ? It showed me an innocent I masked like an old lady Asked who am I ? It showed me a wrinkled I...

House of memories

The eucalyptus trees standing guard On either side of the entrance blushing at me spreading its aroma locking me in an embrace the gentle...

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