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  • vbrindhas

Mini and me

Aishwarya was on intermittent fasting (IF). She was trying to lose weight, not that she was overweight. But IF had become a fad and she too wanted to try.

She had been resisting this one sweet, but it was harder than she thought. She would walk in and out of the kitchen, enduring the urge to open the freezer. Three glasses of water and a serving of fruit was not even enough. A long stroll by the park, calling up a friend, and you name it, she tried it all. But, nothing could distract her from her mini. The soft silky and smooth texture, along with the chocolate chips to add a little crunch was all she craved for.

At one point she almost lost control and opened the box. As she was about to tear open the package, she told her husband, ‘I am just taking a cheat day OK?’

Her husband reminded her gently, ‘It has been exactly 24 hours since the last magnum mini!’

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